Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Movie - Atanasio en busca de novia

I've looked Atanasio en busca de novia movie

Movie Premier in 1925.

Color Info: Black and White
Countries: Spain
Genres: Comedy, Short
Sound Mix: Silent
Tech Info: PFM:35 mm
Release Dates: Spain:25 February 1925

In movie played:

Saturnino Fernndez (actor)

Flix Gonzlez (actor)

Antonio Velzquez (actor)

Nieves Gonzlez (actress)

Teresa Gonzlez (actress)

Aureliano Gonzlez (producer)

Flix Gonzlez (cinematographer)

Aureliano Gonzlez (director)

Flix Gonzlez (director)

Benjamn Nez (director)

Movie - Blood's Tone (1965)

It is worth seeing Blood's Tone movie

Movie Issued - in 1965.

Color Info: Color
Countries: USA
Genres: Short
Sound Mix: Silent
Tech Info: PFM:16 mm, RAT:1.37 : 1

In movie have been taken:

Stan Brakhage (director)
Articles:"Film Comment" (USA), May 2003, Vol. 39, Iss. 3, pg. 10-11, by: Steve Anker, "Obituary: Stan Brakhage", "The Washington Post" (USA), 16 March 2003, Vol. 126, Iss. 101, pg. G9, by: Paul Roth, "Appreciation: The Auteur Who Scratched Cinema's Core", "The Washington Post" (USA), 13 March 2003, Vol. 126, Iss. 98, pg. B7, by: Adam Bernstein, "Stan Brakhage Dies; Artist Made More Than 350 Films", "Filmmaker" (USA), February 1999, pg. 78, by: Steve Anderson, "Mountain Man", "Sight and Sound" (USA), March 1993, pg. 20-23, by: Suranjan Ganguly, "All That Is Light: Brakhage at 60"
Was distinguished professor of film studies at the University of Colorado., Made nearly 380 films, each lasting between 9 seconds and 4 hours., Born in a home for unwed pregnant women. Adoptive mother named him James Stanley Brakhage., Dropped out of Dartmouth during his freshman year (1952)., Dartmouth College class of 1955., Though his films were rarely seen outside the experimental film community, there is one bit of film that Brakhage is supposed to have made that practically everyone in America has seen -- the original shot of a Downy fabric softener bottle falling in slow motion into a plump pile of towels., Biography in: John Wakeman, editor. "World Film Directors, Volume Two, 1945-1985." Pages 151-158. New York: The H.W. Wilson Company, 1988.
Biographical Movies:_Brakhage (1998)_ (qv), _Brakhage: The Final Word (2004)_ (qv), _Films by Stan Brakhage: An Avant-Garde Home Movie (1961)_ (qv), _A Visit to Stan Brakhage (2003)_ (qv)
Death Notes:Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (cancer)
Quotes:"The capacity to be intrinsic and vulgar is American.", "Art is a sense of magic.", "Flourescents turn everyone into German Expressionism.", "There are a lot of movies made for nobody.", "I love being objected to. It worries me, but I love being objected to.", "No one is out to get you. It's just that...people are monkeys.", "I met ['Jackson Pollock' (qv)] one time when I accompanied a friend who was invited with other critics to go see some new paintings in his famous Long Island barn. Evidently Pollock was dead drunk, immobile and silent in a corner. After a moment, while looking at the traces of paint with which Pollock covered the canvas that was stretched across the floor, one of the critics risked a few words, talking about 'chance operation.' Pollock, awaking slowly from his drunken stupor, repeats the words, 'Chance operation?'. He then takes a paintbrush, dips it into a pot of paint and, with one movement of his arm, flings the paint across the length of the room, squarely hitting the doorknob!"
Birth Notes:Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Books:R. Bruce Elder. _The Films of Stan Brakhage: In the American Tradition of Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein & Charles Olsen._ ISBN 0889202753, Phillip Taafe. _Composite Nature: A Conversation with Stan Brakhage._ Blumarts, 1998., Gerald R. Barrett,Wendy Brabner. _Stan Brakhage: A Guide to References and Resources._ G.K. Hall, 1983., Stan Brakhage. _The Brakhage Lectures: Georges Melies, David Wark, Griffith, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Sergei Eisenstein._ The Good Lion, 1972., Randy Roark. _Dissolve: Screenplays to the Films of Stan Brakhage: A Book of Poems._ City Press, 2002., Stan Brakhage (Bruce R. McPherson, ed.). _Essential Brakhage._ New York: McPherson & Co., 2001., Stan Brakhage. _Film at Wit's End._ New York: McPherson & Co., 1989., David E. James, ed.. _Stan Brakhage: Filmmaker._ Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2005., Marjorie Keller. _The Untutored Eye : Childhood in the Films of Cocteau, Cornell, and Brakhage._ East Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1986., Stan Brakhage (Robert A. Haller, ed.). _Brakhage Scrapbook: Collected Writings 1964-1980._ New Paltz, NY: Documentext, 1982.
Other Works:Author of "Essential Brakhage." Ed. Bruce R. McPherson. New York: McPherson & Company, 2001., Author of "Film at Wit's End." New York: McPherson & Company, 1989., Book: "Metaphors on Vision"
Birth Name:Sanders, Robert
Spouse:'Jane Brakhage' (qv) (1957 - 1987) (divorced); 5 children, 'Marilyn Jull' (1989 - 9 March 2003) (his death); 2 children
Death Date:9 March 2003
Birth Date:14 January 1933
Quotes:"We have the notion that we exist but we have no way to prove it. 'I am' is the closest foundation we can get."

By the way This movie in the Internet can be found by requests independent-film